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  • neue Perspektiven gewinnen!

    neue Perspektiven gewinnen Berlinische Galerie workshop description: Kate stands in the middle of a group of 6 people, some are blindfolded, one person in the foreground is in a wheelchair. They stand in one of the gallery spaces of Berlin's Berlinische Galerie, the walls are a light grey colour and there are paintings hanging on the walls.
  • Berlinklusion

    The Berlinklusion logo features the word berllinklusion written in lowercase black on a white background. The word "link" is underlined. The top of the letter "k" extends upwards and splits into tree branches that grow out above the rest of the word.
  • Glory Box

    Melinda's Room by Leanora Olmi, 2015. An image of the reflection of a mirror showing the wall and part of a bed of a bedroom. The wallpaper is green and has a pattern of horses, and in front of it we see the head of a green old-fashioned lamp.
  • Sinn Licht

    Ono Ludwig

  • Taking Care of Business


    André Kirschner, Garilla, 2014
  • Zusammenspiel

    Silja Korn, Untitled, 2013
  • Coffee, Curating and Cultural Management

    Photo: Michelle O'Brien

  • Common Bond

    Rosita McKenzie and Jan Boelsche. Photo: Sabrina Mikolojewski
  • An Alternative

  • Through the Looking Glass, Dimly

    Through the Looking Glass, Dimly image
  • Macmillan Cancer Support Edinburgh Art Show

  • Inhabitants

  • Discussion Groups

    Photo: Takt
  • Carl Scrase: Life: Death: Edinburgh: And

  • Neither Here Nor There

  • MyInsideOutside

  • Steady