WORKAROUND Conference: A three-day Symposium, Workshop & Community Meeting 18—20 October 2013 Curated by Ela Kagel [SUPERMARKT] & Kate Martin [Contemporary Art Exchange] The working world as we know it is in a state of…
Hey curators, hybrids and freelancers working within Berlin’s art sector: join mine and SOMEWHERE’s upcoming Conversations event! Conversations is a team-based workshop format that brings together like-minded people to exchange inspirations & knowledge on work…
7-9pm Wednesday 18th September, 2013 at Tandem BQG Wichertstr 16, 10439 Berlin **Dieser Diskussionsgruppe ist nur auf Englisch aber Beiträger auf Deutsch sind wilkommen** As part of the Common Bond project, photographers Jan Bölsche (Berlin) and…